Me ajudem ai por favor pessoal

Soluções para a tarefa
Negativa: I am not going to stay at home.
Interrogativa: Am I going to stay at home?
Negativa: I am not going to travel.
Interrogativa: Am I going to travel?
Negativa: You are not going to buy food
Interrogativa: Are you going to buy food?
Negativa: He is not going to help you tomorrow.
Interrogativa: Is he going to help you tomorrow?
Negativa: She is not going to study Spanish.
Interrogativa: Is she going to study Spanish?
Negativa: It is not going to rain.
Interrogativa: Is it going to rain?
Negativa: I am not going to talk to the teacher.
Interrogativa: Am i going to talk to the teacher?
Negativa: I am not going to have dinner
Interrogativa: Am i going to have dinner?
Negativa: They are not going to swim in the river.
Interrogativa: Are they going to swim in the river?
Negativa: He is not going to call manager.
Interrogativa: Is he going to call manager?
Negativa: She is not going to tell us the history.
Interrogativa: Is she going to tell us the history?
Negativa: We are not going to send an e-email to Mary.
Interrogativa: Are we going to send an e-mail to Mary?
O Futuro Going to é usado para falar sobre ações que você planeja fazer no futuro e que você tem quase certeza, ou certeza, de que irá acontecer.
A estrutura básica do futuro GOING TO, é você colocar o Sujeito (I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) + Verbo to be (Am, Is, Are) + Going To + Verbo + Complemento. Por exemplo: I am going to travel tomorrow (Eu vou viajar amanhã).
Para NEGATIVA, basta você colocar o NOT depois do verbo to be. Por exemplo: I am not going to travel tomorrow (Eu não vou viajar amanhã).
Para INTERROGATIVA, você só precisa inverter o SUJEITO com o VERBO TO BE. Por exemplo: Am i going to travel tomorrow? (Eu vou viajar amanhã?)