Inglês, perguntado por aloneaaaaaa, 8 meses atrás

me ajudem aaaaa 1. Unscramble the words and choose the best answer. (Desembaralhe as palavras e escolha a melhor resposta.)
1. has / She / there / three weeks / for / been.

a) She has there been for three weeks. b) She has been there for three weeks.

2. I / to France / never / have / gone.

a) I have never gone to France. b) I never gone have to France.

3. have / had / a terrible / I / earache / this morning / since.

a) I had have a terrible earache since this morning. b) I have had a terrible earache since this morning.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por malkavian


B) She has been there for three weeks

Ela está lá tem 3 semanas.

A) I have never gone to France.

Eu nunca fui à França.

B)  I have had a terrible ear ache since this morning.

Eu tenho estado com uma péssima dor de ouvido desde essa manhã.


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