Inglês, perguntado por nicailaalejandra386, 9 meses atrás

Me ajudem a passar as sentenças na voz passiva por favor

1-We have cycled five miles
2-I have opened the present
3-She had not noticed me
4-Had she solved the problem
5-They have not caught the thieves

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

1 - five miles have been cycled by us

2 - the present has been opened by me

3 - i hadn't been noticed by her

4 - (essa tu não colocou interrogação, mas a estrutura é de pergunta, vou colocar como pergunta na passiva tb então) - had the problem been solved by her?

5 - the thieves have been caught by them

nicailaalejandra386: obrigada ❤
rafaghn: nd
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