Inglês, perguntado por yasmimboava0432, 7 meses atrás

(Me ajudem)
1 - Complete com o comparativo de superioridade dos adjetivos entre parênteses:
a) This bus is _Late
that one. (late)
b) The dog is
the cat. (intelligent)
c) This English work is
the last one. (easy)
d) That yellow car was
that black one. (cheap)
e) John is
Peter. (weak)
f) Today is
_yesterday. (rainy)
g) The girls are
the boys. (clever)
h) The whale is
the elephant. (big)
i) The giraffe is
the lion. (tall)
j) You are
I. (young)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por robertasiilvah
A) later than
B) more intelligent than
C) easier than
D) cheaper than
E) weaker than
F) more rainy than
G)clever than
H) bigger than
I) taller than
J) younger than
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