Inglês, perguntado por gr27714, 8 meses atrás

ME AJUDAAAAAAAAA .Complete a lacuna com a alternativa correta sobre os pronomes em inglês: 1. Usando os object pronouns em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta: I am hungry. The salad is for ______________ You are hungry. The grape is for _____________ *

10 pontos

A. You, our

B. We, my

C. My, your

D. Me, you

2. Usando os object pronouns em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta: Daniel is hungry. The fish is for _____________ Sarah is hungry. The is for __________________ *

10 pontos

A. Her, he

B. His, him

C. Him, he

D. Her, him

3. Usando os object pronouns em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta: The duck is hungry. The cheese is for ________ We are hungry. The pizza is for ____________ *

10 pontos

A. It’s, our

B. It, us

C. Us, me

D. It, our

4. Usando os object pronouns em inglês, escolha a alternativa correta: You are hungry. The soup is for ___________ The boys are hungry. The cake is for __________ *

10 pontos

A. Your, they

B. You, them

C. You, the

D. Your, the

5. Complete the sentences using the negative form: Marque a alternativa correta: I ____________ (to like ) play soccer. You _________ (to watch ) romantic movies. *

10 pontos

A. Don’t like, don’t watch.

B. Don’t likes, don’t watches.

C. Doesn’t like, don’t watch.

D. Doesn’t likes, don’t watches

6. Complete the sentences using the negative form: Marque a alternativa correta: We ____________ (to eat) chanese food. They _____________ ( to play) computer games. *

10 pontos

A. Don’t eatrs, doesn’t play.

B. Doesn’t eat, don’t play.

C. Don’t eat, don’t play.

D. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t play.

7. Complete the sentences using the verb adequate: Marque a alternativa correta: I usually _________ very early in the mornings. *

10 pontos

A. Get up

B. Gets up

C. Am get up

D. Got up

8. Complete the sentences using the negative form + verb auxiliary to be: Marque a alternativa correta: My classmate ___________ in class right now, he’s in the library. *

10 pontos

A. Aren’t

B. Not

C. Don’t

D. Isn’t

9. Complete the sentences using the verb adequate : Marque a alternativa correta: I work nine hours a day, but I _______________ my job. *

10 pontos

A. Loved

B. Love

C. Loves

D. loving

10. Complete the sentences using the negative form + verb auxiliary to be: Marque a alternativa correta: I ___________ a very busy person. In fact, I have lots of free time. *

10 pontos

A. Am not

B. Do not

C. Did not

D. Does not

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por soralopes2003


1. D

2. Devia haver a opção - him, her

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. B

10. A

(Não sei se está certo, mas espero ter ajudado)

gr27714: obg
soralopes2003: :)
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