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2 - One day I was /walking/ home from school..../noticed/
3 - 1- She saw the shark while she was surfing.
2- What were you doing....
3- I was reading a book when my brother got back.
4- He didn't like the film very much.
5- What did he see while he was swimming?
6- You can turn off the TV, I was not watching it; ou .. You can turn off the TV, I'm not watching it.
7- I was talking to Stephen when the phone rang.
8- I went to the cinema last night but I didn't like the film.
4 - 1 - Last night I gave a gift to my mom.
2 - I was cooking some cookies for us.
3- I customized my bike in the garage.
4- Domingos was praying the rosary.
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