me ajuda pf to precisando urgente !!!

Soluções para a tarefa
2. a) Is Ana Smith young or old? She's old
b) How old is she? She's sixty-five years old (65 anos)
c) She lived in a farmer
d) How was her life? Very difficult
e) Ana Smith's family was big
3. a) Passado: We were poor
Negativa: We wen't poor
Interrogativa: Were we poor?
b) Passado: I was lazy
Negativa: I wasn't lazy
Interrogativa: Was I lazy?
c) Passado: The clothes were cheap
Negativa: The clothes weren't cheap
Interrogativa: Were the clothes cheap?
d) Passado: She was a beautiful girl
Negativa: She wasn't a beuatiful girl
Interrogativa: Was she a beautiful girl?
e) Passado: They were silly
Negativa: They weren't silly
Interrogativa: Were they silly?
f) Passado: He was very smart
Negativa: he wasn't very smart
Interrogativa: Was he very smart?
g) Passado: It was very funny
Negativa: It wasn't very funny
Interrogativa: Was it very funny?
h) Passado: You were very lazy
Negativa: You weren't very lazy
Interrogativa: Were you very lazy?
4. a) There was
b) There were
c) There were
d) There were
e) There was