Inglês, perguntado por amaurileitedeabreu, 6 meses atrás

Complete the sentences to report what these people said. Change the tense. Do not use punctuation.
A)My neighbor: “I can’t save any money.” / He told me ______.
B)My father: “I want to make a detailed budget every month.” / He explained that _______.
C)A classmate: “Maybe I’ll stop charging things to my credit card.” / She said _________.
D)Some married friends: “We haven’t kept careful track of our money.”/ They said _______.
E)My grandparents: “We started setting money aside fifty years ago.” / They told me _______.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SarahdeAlmeida


A)He told me that he couldn't save any money. (Ele me disse que não poderia economizar dinheiro.)

B)He explained that he wanted to make a detailed budget every month. (Ele explicou que queria fazer um orçamento detalhado todos os meses.)

C)She said she would stop charging things to her credit card. (Ela disse que iria parar de cobrar coisas em seu cartão de crédito.)

D)They said that they hadn't kept careful track of their money. (Eles disseram que não haviam feito um registro cuidadoso de seu dinheiro.)

E)They told me they had started setting money aside fifty years ago. (Eles me disseram que começaram a separar dinheiro há cinquenta anos.)

[Tradução entre parenteses/em itálico :D]


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