Inglês, perguntado por minecraftcornos, 7 meses atrás

Match the two parts of each sentence.

Arraste as letras da coluna à esquerda até a coluna da direita. Se preferir, digite a letra correspondente nas lacunas da direita.
If I ask my parents for something,

My brother will go on vacation on Friday

Penelope will finish reading her e-book

If we do the dishes faster,

( )If they take too long,

( )if Susan doesn’t bother her.

( )if he can finish writing his book.

( )they will find a way to get it.

( )I’ll not watch the full show.

( ) we'll be able to get the last episode of the show.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maykon92

Vou tentar te ajudar. C,B,A,E,D.


(C)if Susan doesn’t bother her.

(B)if he can finish writing his book.

(A)they will find a way to get it.

(E)I’ll not watch the full show.

(D) we'll be able to get the last episode of the show.

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