Inglês, perguntado por alineveloso35, 8 meses atrás

Match the questions to their answers.

a What will your friend do if she wins a lot of money?

b What will happen if you don’t brush your teeth every day?

c How will you feel if your classmates don’t talk to you?

d What will happen if you sing songs in English? ( ) I’ll improve my pronunciation. ( ) I’ll feel sad. ( ) She’ll travel to distant places. ( ) I’ll get cavities.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pietracatarina253


A- She'll travel to distant places.

B- I'll get cavities.

C- I'll feel sad.

D- I'll improve my pronunciation.


Tudo o que você precisa é analisar as respostas e encontrar a que condiz com a pergunta. Espero que eu tenha ajudado! Bons estudos! / All you need to do is analyze the answers and find the one that matches the question. I hope I've helped! Good studies!

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