Inglês, perguntado por walmirj617, 7 meses atrás

Mary studies Mathematicas every day She is studying Mathematicas cand her brother is pla6ing soccernow.Their mother is cooking because their maid is sick,but she doesn t like to cook They are waiting for their father to have dinner together
1- Identifique e reescreva com base no texto acima as frasas correspondentes as frases abaixo
a) Mary estuda Matemática todo dia.
b) Ela esta sstudando matemática e o irmão dela esta jogando futebol agora.
c) a mãe dela está cozinhando hoje porque a empregada dela está doente mas ela não gosta de cozinhar​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RafaellaSilva39


a) Mary studies Mathematicas every day.

b) She is studying Mathematics and her brother is plaing soccer now.

c)Their mother is cooking because their maid is sick, but she doesn't like to cook.

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