Inglês, perguntado por larissataveiraciep, 11 meses atrás

Mary Shelley was born in London, England, 1797. She was the daughter of William Godwin, a journalist, philosopher and novelist and Mary Wollstonecraft, educator and feminist philosopher, which was to die only 11 days after her birth. She and her four years older half-sister, were raised and educated by her father who encouraged them to write from early age. Mary Shelley had access for her father's library. She became an essayist, biographer, short story writer and novelist, famous for her novel Frankenstein, which produced a monster. Shelley died on the 1st Frebruary 1851, after struggling through her las years most likely with a brain tumor.

1- Escreva (V) para verdadeiro ou (F) para falso, de acordo com o texto.

(. ) Mary Shelley foi criada por sua mãe.
(. ) Mary Shelley e suas irmãs foram criadas por seu pai.
(. ) Mary Shelley foi encorajada a escrever desde cedo.
(. ) Mary Shelley não tinha acesso à biblioteca de seu pai.
(. ) Mary Shelley se tornou uma romancista.
(. ) Mary Shelley morreu com tumor no estômago.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luanyscheer0


a- falsa

b- verdadeira,

c- verdadeira

d- falsa




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