Mary exercised every day. She lifted weights. She ran on the street. She rode her
Bicycle everywhere. She did pull –ups and push-ups. She did crunches and sit-ups. She loved being in shape. It felt great. She felt powerful. She felt incredible. It Made her feel confidente. People complimented her appearance. “Look at those Muscles,”People said to her. “ Thank you, I work out, she replied.
But Mary was not Always in shape. She used to be fat. She did not like being fat. She was made fun of. She had a low self-esteem. She felt unattractive. Her Body felt tired and heavy. She had no energy. She knew she had to change. She Looked in the mirror one day. She promised herself to lose weight.
She stopped eating unhealthy food. She started moving around more. She went jogging At night. She started Going to the gyn. And Mary lost weight.

Soluções para a tarefa
1 - It tells the story about a girl called Mary who used to be a fat person in the past that found herself doing exercises. She didn't like the way she was, so one day Mary decided that she needed to lose weight. She stoppped eating unhealthy food and started doing so many exercises. Now, she's quite confident about her appearance and feels incredible.
2 - The past is the tense used on this text.
3 - a) Ran = RUN b) Made = MAKE c) Had = HAVE d) Went = GO e) Lose = Já está no presente f) Felt = FEEL
4 - The ES is added to the verb "GO" when we are using the third person. For Example: He/She/It goes to the park today.
5 - People were pretty amazed about her shape. They talked about her muscles and she said thanks in return.