Inglês, perguntado por lh402589, 4 meses atrás

Martin Luther King wanted black and white Americans to live happily together. On the third Monday in January, many Americans honor this hero.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. was a black pastor. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15th 1929. He was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement demanding equality for black people. Many Southern states in the USA, like Georgia, were segregated in the 1950's: black children couldn't go to the same schools as whites, Blacks and Whites couldn't seat in the same bus, theatres or use the same public toilets. King believed that was wrong.

Back of the bus

In December 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman, was on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. A white man asked for her seat and she refused. She was arrested. King, who was working in Montgomery, led a black protest. For a year, black people

refused to use the buses.

preciso encontrar o VERBOS Simple past no texto​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por matheusbulcaoleite


''Wanted'', ''was'', ''were'', ''believed'', ''asked'', ''refused'', led''.


Wanted, simple past de want; was, simples past de is; were, simple past de are; believed, simple past de believe; asked, simple past de ask; refused, simple past de refuse; led, simple past de lead

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