marque a opção onde a frase segue a estrutura do present perfect:
a ) I've grown one milimeter in one year.
b ) I'd grown one milimeter in one year .
c ) I will grow one milimeter in one year .
d ) Igrow one milimeter in one year.
e ) They talked to her lately .
f ) They have talked to her lately .
g ) They are talking to her lately .
h ) They had talked to her lately .
i ) They listened to every word .
j) They had listened to every word .
k ) They have listened to every word .
l ) they are listening to every word .
m) We took many fotos .
n ) We are taking many fotos .
o ) We had taken many fotos .
p ) We have taken many fotos .
Soluções para a tarefa
a ) I've grown one milimeter in one year.❌
b ) I'd grown one milimeter in one year.❌
c ) I will grow one milimeter in one year. ✔️➡️Esta opção é a única que está correta pois o "I" concorda com o "will" e o resto ta frase está de acordo com o simple future
d ) Igrow one milimeter in one year.❌
e ) They talked to her lately .❌
f ) They have talked to her lately .❌
g ) They are talking to her lately .✔️➡️Esta é a unica opção que o simple present se aplica corretamente.
h ) They had talked to her lately.❌
i ) They listened to every word .❌
j) They had listened to every word.❌
k ) They have listened to every word.❌
l ) They are listening to every word .✔️➡️Esta é a única opção que o simple present está correto.
m) We took many fotos .❌
n ) We are taking many fotos . ✔️➡️Esta é a única opção em que o sujeito concorda com o predicado.
o ) We had taken many fotos .❌
p ) We have taken many fotos .❌
Espero ter ajudado :)
Bons estudos!