Inglês, perguntado por estudante24we, 8 meses atrás

MARQUE A OPÇÃO CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O FUTURO (BE GOING TO): 1- I__________________________at home this weedend. * am going to stay is going to stay 2- _______________________ food for me,please? * Are you going to buy 2- Is you going to buy 3- He __________________ you tomorrow morning. * are going to help is going to help 4- She _______________Spanish with me this year. * isn't going to study aren't going to study 5- ____________________________ tonight here? * Is it going to rain Are it going to rain 6- I ___________________to the professor,because I like you very much. * am going to talk is going to talk 7- I _____________________ dinner today with you. * am not going to have 7- are not going to have 8-_____________________ in the river this month? * Is you going to swim Are you going to swim 9-He _____________________ to the manager later. * are going to phone is going to phone 10- They_______________________with their friends next month. * am going to travel are going to travel

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariaemichelle09

1-I im going to stay

2-are you going to buy food

3-is going to help

4- isn't going to study

5-is it going to rain

6-im going to talk

7-am not going to have

8-are you going to swim

9-he is going to phone the manger later (eu acho que voce escreveu errado)

10-are going to travel

fabi8195: oii
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