Inglês, perguntado por sabrinasilva8273, 3 meses atrás

Marque a alternativa que melhor complete a frase: 1) I don’t have __________ money. A) ANY B) SOME 2) There is __________ orange juice in the fridge. A) ANY B) SOME 3) Can I have __________wine, please? A) ANY B) SOME 4) There isn’t __________ soda at home. A) ANY B) SOME 5) She doesn’t want __________ food. A) ANY B) SOME 6) Are there __________books on the table? A) ANY B) SOME 7) If you need __________ help, just let me know. A) ANY B) SOME 8) I didn’t eat __________ food, but he ate __________. A) SOME/ANY B) ANY/SOME 9) I’m going to buy __________ new CDs. A) ANY B) SOME 10) Could you bring me __________ water, please? A) ANY B) SOME

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 8b2f218ca5


1. any

2. some

3. some

4. any

5. any

6. any

7. some

8. any / some

9. some

10. some

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