Inglês, perguntado por Isabellebely635, 5 meses atrás

Marque a alternativa que complete a frase abaixo sobre a vida de Kamala Harris flexionando o verbo entre parêntese no passado simples, em inglês: Kamala Harris__________ (be) born in Oakland, California 

me ajudemmmmmmmm

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Respondido por CremildaBR

Verb ''to be''  >>  Simple past

Kamala Harris  was  born in Oakland, California.

⇒⇒  Verb to be – Simple Past

     I     was     at my parents' house last month.  

You     were   at the Mall.  

  He    was     a soccer player.

She    was     at home.  

     It    was     a yellow bus.  

  We   were    best friends.  

 You   were    at the club.  

They    were   good students.  

Learn more

→→ Simple past verb ''to be'' →→

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