Inglês, perguntado por sirlenevianabril, 9 meses atrás

Marlon Brando
Hello! My name is Marlon Brando. I am twenty one years old, live in an apartment with my parents and my two brothers, Peter and Carol, wich is located in São Paulo, a city in which I live since my birth.
My favorite hobby is playing football with my friends on the village in which I live. Working as a firefighter, it is a great recognition save lives.

Quantos anos esse personagem tem?

a).( )fifty years old
b).( )eleven years old
c).( )twewnty one years old
d).( )seventeen years old​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliacoutodias


Marlon Brando

Hello! My name is Marlon Brando. I am twenty one years old, live in an apartment with my parents and my two brothers, Peter and Carol, wich is located in São Paulo, a city in which I live since my birth.

My favorite hobby is playing football with my friends on the village in which I live. Working as a firefighter, it is a great recognition save lives.

Quantos anos esse personagem tem?

a).( )fifty years old

b).( )eleven years old

c).( X )twewnty one years old

d).( )seventeen years old​


I am twenty one years old

Tradução: Eu tenho vinte e um anos de idade.

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