Inglês, perguntado por tonfontes08, 11 meses atrás

Mark the alternative that presents all sentences correctly written concerning the use of Tag Endings:

Mark the right alternative:

(1) My grandparents are having their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow, haven’t they?; (2) My nephew is learning how to play the piano, isn’t she?; (3) My father doesn’t like to watch soap operas, does he?; (4) My neighbor John is moving to another apartment downtown, isn’t he?; (5) She is a new student here, isn’t she?

(1) They were having dinner when you arrived, weren’t they?; (2) I should walk faster, shouldn’t you?; (3) Your parents are traveling abroad, weren’t they?; (4) Nobody can come in, can’t they?; (5) She is an engineer, is she?

(1) You could stay longer with me, couldn’t you?; (2) We have made a great decision, haven’t they?; (3) She is answering all her e-mails now, isn’t she?; (4) He had gone away, hadn’t he?; (5) They shouldn’t go now, shouldn’t they?

(1) You didn’t do your English homework, did you?; (2) Her sister went to school by bus yesterday, didn’t she?; (3) They shouldn’t come so late today, should they?; (4) You are traveling this afternoon, aren’t you?; (5) It is raining a lot in California, isn’t it?

(1) They don’t know how to play the guitar, do they?; (2) She is sending her farmhouse, aren’t you?; (3) It has been years since we talked to each other, hasn’t it?; (4) My maid is cooking dinner now, isn’t she?; (5) The reporters are asking those people what happened, are they?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por thayaneandrade664


Letra d)

(1) You didn’t do your English homework, did you?; (2) Her sister went to school by bus yesterday, didn’t she?; (3) They shouldn’t come so late today, should they?; (4) You are traveling this afternoon, aren’t you?; (5) It is raining a lot in California, isn’t it?


Todas as outras alternativas estão com pelo menos um pronome errado, apenas letra d está com todos corretos

tonfontes08: Correto
Respondido por felipedosantosabino1

Resposta: d)

Explicação: a) está errada, pois o número 1 está errado, o correto seria "My grandparents are having their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow, aren't they?"

b) está errada, pois os números 3 e 5 estão errados, as sentenças corretas seriam 3:"Your parents are traveling abroad, aren't they?", 5:"She is an engineer, isn't she?"

c) está errada, pois os números 2 e 5 estão errados, as sentenças corretas seriam 2:"We have made a great decision, haven’t we?", 5:"They shouldn’t go now, should they?

d) está correta

e)está errada, pois o número 2 está errado, o correto seria "She is sending her farmhouse, isn't she?"

tonfontes08: Correto
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