Make questions with GOING TO. Crie frases interrogativas com GOING TO.
1. Jane / change her school
2. You / phone the police
3. Your mother / come to stay with us
Make sentences with the present progressive. Crie frases com o presente contínuo. Atenção: (?) significa que você deverá criar uma frase interrogativa, (+) significa que você deverá criar uma frase afirmativa e (-) significa que você deverá criar uma frase negativa.
1. Gary / mary / Cahy after all (?)
2. I / go / there again (-)
. I / play / baseball tomorrow (-)
4. I / go / to Canada next year (+)
5. We / stay / with Paul and Lucy next week (+)
6. you / work / this evening (?)
Make sentences with will. Crie frases com will. Atenção: (?) significa que você deverá criar uma frase interrogativa, (+) significa que você deverá criar uma frase afirmativa e (-) significa que você deverá criar uma frase negativa
1. You / be / here tomorrow (?)
2. The children / have enough money / for the jouney (-)
3. John / answer / your questions (+)
4. She / speak / to me (-)
5. The pen / write (-)
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present continuous
→→ Make questions with GOING TO.
1. Jane / change her school
resposta: Is Jane going to change her school?
2. You / phone the police
resposta: Are you going to phone the police?
3. Your mother / come to stay with us
resposta: Is your mother going to come to stay with us?
→→ Make sentences with the present progressive.
1. Gary / marry / Cathy after all (?)
resposta: Is Gary marrying Cathy after all?
2. I / go / there again (-)
resposta : I 'm not going there again.
3. I / play / baseball tomorrow (-)
resposta: I 'm not playing baseball.
4. I / go / to Canada next year (+)
resposta: I'm going to Canada next year.
5. We / stay / with Paul and Lucy next week (+)
resposta: We are staying with Paul and Lucy next week.
6. you / work / this evening (?)
resposta: Are you working this evening?
→→ Make sentences with will.
1. You / be / here tomorrow (?)
resposta: Will you be here tomorrow?
2. The children / have enough money / for the jouney (-)
resposta: The children will not have enough money for the journey.
3. John / answer / your questions (+)
resposta: John will answer your question.
4. She / speak / to me (-)
resposta: She won't speak to me.
5. The pen / write (-)
resposta: The pen won't write.
⇒⇒ Present continuous - expressa algo que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala, algo que está em progresso (temporário) ou planos para um futuro próximo (planejado)
→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa
sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento
I am doing my homework now.
They are playing soccer now.
→ Estrutura present continuous - interrogativa
verbo to be + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento
Are you playing soccer?
→ Estrutura present continuous - negativa
sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo -ing + complemento
John is not running at the park.
→→ Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.
Estrutura do futuro com ''going to''
Sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo + complemento
Paul is going to arrive late.
→→ Future with ''will'' >> futuro incerto - não planejado
Estrutura do futuro com ''will''
Sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
James will travel to Uruguay next year.
→→ ''Going to'' e ''will'' também podem ser usados para fazer previsões.
I am going to be a doctor.
Eu vou ser uma médica.
I will have a brand new car next year.
Eu vou ter um carro novo no ano que vem .
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