Inglês, perguntado por MariaEduardaMECS, 5 meses atrás

M E A J U D E M P F V ! ! ! !
Complete as frases colocando o verbo no present continuous:
a) She is _________ her homework. (do)
b) They are __________ English. (study)
c) He is _________ his emails. (check)
d) We are ________ about the virus. (talk)
e) You are _________ a Youtube video. (watch)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ericaamaral30


a) She is doing her homework. (do)

b) They are studying English. (study)

c) He is checking his emails. (check)

d) We are talking about the virus. (talk)

e) You are watching a Youtube video. (watch)


MariaEduardaMECS: OBRIGADA!!!
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