Looking back This is Jake's list of to-do things in the hostel where he is volunteering. It's 11 o'clock. He's ticked what he has already done. prepare breakfast clean the kitchen ✓ do the washing mop the floors make the beds vacuum the sitting room wash up tidy the boys' room Write down what Jake has already done and what he hasn't done yet. (8 pts)

Soluções para a tarefa
Jake prepared breakfast
Jake didn't wash his clothes
Jake made the beds
Jake cleaned the kitchen
Jake didn't scrub the floor
Jake didn't vacuum the living room
Jake didn't tidy the boys' room
What Jake has already done (o que Jake já fez)
- Jake prepared breakfast (preparou o café da manhã)
- Jake made the beds (forrou as camas)
- Jake cleaned the kitchen (limpou a cozinha)
- Jake washed up (lavou o rosto)
- Jake tidied the boys' room (arrumou o quarto dos meninos)
What Jake hasn't done yet (o que Jake ainda não fez)
- Jake didn't wash his clothes (não lavou suas roupas)
- Jake didn't mop the floors (não passou o pano no piso)
- Jake didn't vacuum the sitting room (não aspirou a sala de estar)
Simple Past
Como é solicitado que se escreva o que Jake já fez e o que ele ainda não fez até aquele horário (11 da manhã), a proposta da atividade é praticar o uso do Simple Past (passado simples), pois serão construídas frases no pretérito perfeito.
Para os verbos regulares, na forma afirmativa, basta acrescentar o "-ed" ao final. No caso de "make", a forma verbal mudou para "made".
Na forma negativa, usamos "did + not + verbo principal na forma original".
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