Inglês, perguntado por leicaetanopd48en, 11 meses atrás

Look at the pictures and make sentences according to the signs. Use the following verbs:
swim, rain,win, feed, eat, predict, solve, go, get up, serve, play, dance, shine, be, direct, fight

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por grazyellabade715


swin:We wil swim tomorrow

rain:It might rain We'd better take an umbrella.

win:He used to win the competitions

feed:I always feed the dog

eat:We will eat at the ice cream shop

predict:How did a victory that almost no one had predicted come about?

solve:I managed to solve this equation

go:I have to go to class

get up:Tomorrow i have to get up early

play:Me and my friends let's play basketball

dance:Will start taking dance classes

shine:The sun and moon shine on the hidden part of your chart.

be:I was at home last night

fight:My dad likes to watch fight movies

espero ter ajudado :)

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