Inglês, perguntado por gabrieldosantos71, 6 meses atrás

Complete as frases com question tags. Observe o modelo.
1. You smoke, don't you ?
2. You like to travel,
3. You are going to San Francisco,
4. You didn't take my cigarettes,
5. She likes flowers,
6. Mary didn't forget the documents,
7. You are well,
8. The weather is bad,
9. They will come tomorrow,
10. Mrs. Spencer is ate home,
11. You father can't drive,
12.The pupils didn't understand the lesson,

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isahsilva439


Fill in as phrases with questions tags. Observe the model. ? give me a cigarette? ?not much and you? ?what's your name? 1. You smoke, don't you? 2. Do you like to travel, ? jake and yours? 3. Are you going to San Francisco, 4. You didn't get my cigarettes, 5. She likes flowers, ?Yes 6. Maria did not forget the documents, 7. Are you okay, ?not 8. The weather is bad, ?Yes 9. They will come tomorrow, 10. Mrs. Spencer is eaten at home, 11. Your father doesn't know how to drive, ?not 12. The students did not understand the lesson, ? ? ?

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