Inglês, perguntado por CharlieMartins, 3 meses atrás

Listen to a woman talking about how she started learning English. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
1. The woman started an English course because of _______________.
2. The classes were very good because the teacher involved the students and _______________ very fast.
3. She also tried to write down the lyrics of some songs so she could _______________ them.
4. When she looks back at the things she did to practice English, she finds it _______________.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Luizfelipeandra

As frases completas com palavras (word) ou sentenças curtas (short phrase) que se encaixam dentro do contexto da conversa estão logo abaixo:

1. The woman started an English course because of her work.

2. The classes were very good because the teacher involved the students and they learned very fast.

3. She also tried to write down the lyrics of some songs so she could practice with them.

4. When she looks back at the things she did to practice English, she finds it really helped her.

A tradução das frases:

1. A mulher começou um curso de Inglês por causa do trabalho dela.

2. As aulas eram muito boas pois o professor envolveu os alunos e ele aprenderam muito rápido.

3. Ela também tentou escrever as letras de algumas músicas para que pudesse praticar com elas.

4. Quando ela olha para as coisas que fez para praticar Inglês, ela descobre que isso realmente a ajudou.

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