Inglês, perguntado por patomaloquiro12, 5 meses atrás


Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, is a fantasy adventure story, but with an underlying theme that I never expected. Let
me begin with a brief synopsis. This is the story of Piscine Patel, nicknamed Pi, and his misadventures. He is a young
teenage Indian boy, son of a zoo owner. Importantly, he is a practicing Hindu, Christian, and Muslim. His experiences
growing up with animals, his family, and his faiths are the main topic of the first part.
The second part of the book is about his misadventures at sea. His family decides to immigrate to Canada,
bringing most of their zoo animals with them to sell in North America. They board a cargo ship, but the ship sinks,
and Pi spends a total of 227 days floating in the Pacific Ocean, with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and a Bengal
tiger for company. The first three animals die one by one, but the tiger and Pi survive until they float and reach the
Mexican shores.
The final part of the book is an interview between Pi and a couple of Japanese maritime officials. Pi narrates his
story of his ordeal at sea with the animals. However, the Japanese officials find his story incredulous and
unbelievable, so Pi provides another story, without the animals. The Japanese officials find parallels between the two
stories, and later on, Pi asks the officials which story they prefer, to which they respond that they prefer the animal
story. Pi ends the conversation with and so it goes with God.
1- Answer the questions:
a) What is Pi’s real name? __________________________________________________________________________
b) Which animals died in the story? __________________________________________________________________
c) Where does Pi arrive after the sinking of his ship? ___________________________________________________
d) How many days does Pi spend on the sea? __________________________________________________________
1- Use the Comparative of Inferiority.
a) I was about to call the doctor but she is _____________________ (sick) I thought.
b) I'm crossing the river. It's ______________________(deep) I was told.
c) She is __________________ (depressed) I was.
d) What are you going to do afterwards? I am going to cook, it’s __________________ (tiring)
e) You will be __________________ (fat) Peter if you keep eating like that!

f) She is ____________________(sporty) her sister.
g) A frog is __________________ (pretty) a real princess.
h) He is ____________________ (intelligent) he says.
i) This new book is ________________________ (good) the first one.
j) A BMW is ___________________________ (expensive) a Ferrari.
k) My socks are ________________________ (colorful) yours.
l) Bean is ___________________________ (muscular) Arnold Schwarzenegger.
2- Make sentences in the affirmative form using the words and the comparative forms given.
a) My friends are / crazy / my cousins (equality)
b) This house is / old / that apartment (inferirity)
c) The blue car is / fast / the red car (inferiority)
d) Brad is / handsome / Tom (equaity)
3- Use either as ... as or so ... as in the sentences below.
a) The blue car is ____________________________ the red car. (fast)
b) Peter is not ________________________ Fred. (not/tall)
c) This copy isn’t _______________________ the other one. (bad)
d) Oliver is ______________________ Peter. (optimistic)
e) Today is not ____________________ yesterday (windy)
f) The tomato soup was _____________________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)
g) Grapefruit juice isn’t _______________________ lemonade. (sweet)
h) Silver is not ________________________ gold. (heavy)

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