Inglês, perguntado por maria45454, 10 meses atrás

Readers sound off on texting while driving, government furloughs and flags at grave
Don’t text and drive
I want to share a different perspective on texting and driving as our state transportation
officials have been doing a lot of marketing on this safety issue lately.
I ride a bike for exercise and leisure. The other day I was anxious as several motorists
passed me going about 55 mph with their cell phones in hand. I typically ride where there is
a shoulder, in order to have a little bit of cushion but was unable to do that on that particular
route. It would have taken drivers just one brief look at Facebook or a text or answering a
phone to carelessly hit me.
I ride with traffic — as legally required — so I’m not going to see motorists coming. I take
responsibility as a bike rider. I keep myself alert, but I need motorists’ help to ensure road
safety. Runners, walkers and bikers are out at all hours of the day. Not texting while driving
might not only prevent an accident with another car but could also prevent one with a
pedestrian or cyclist.
When I leave my house on a ride, I want to return to my family — and not become a deadly
statistic. Don’t text and drive. It’s not worth it.
Pam McKown, Hewitt
People not only are texting while driving, some are also watching films and playing games
on all types of devices while driving.
If your vehicle breaks down, stay safe by putting on your flashing lights, open your hood and
trunk, and stand back from the vehicle while awaiting help. Stay safe, and be a defensive
driver in these unsafe road times.
Billy Durham, Plainview
1-Circule dez palavras cognatas do texto
2-Quem são os autores das cartas?
3-Qual a opinião Pam sobre quem dirige e usa celular?
4-O que Billy quer dizer com “Stay safe, and be a defensive driver in these unsafe road

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Ana348532

Resposta: 1-different(diferente), perspective(perspectiva), transportatin(trasporte), marketing (marketing), bike(bicicleta), exercise(exercícios), motorista(motorista), text(texto), responsibility(responsabilidade).

2-Pam Mckown e Billy Durham.

3-eu sou contra o uso de celular em quanto estamos dirigindo.

4- fique seguro e seja o motorista defensivo nestes tempos de estrada inseguro.

5- september 17/2013.

6- todos os autores tem a mesma opinião na estrada, e tendem a buscar sempre a legalidade (ao criticar puxando a orelha das pessoas que cometem infrações na estrada).

7- sim


nicolycorrearosas: obgg
lopesdasilva350: te amo mlk
luiz663764: arigato❤️
claracunha1280: brother,salvou minha vida ♥️✊ vlw
Gaxst: Nem todo herói usa capa...
correialeonidio: por...., geral pedindo obgda, se eu não pedir passo vergonha KK meio constrangido K
correialeonidio: ObrigadoKKK
correialeonidio: ;_;
beatriz2018108804420: obgd<3
AnajuliaMvt: Obrigadooo
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