Inglês, perguntado por emanuelcdsilva3, 4 meses atrás

Let’s practice!

1. Complete a frases usando o future with going to e os verbos em parênteses.
a) I______________________________ my hands. (to wash)
= Eu vou lavar minhas mãos.

b) The girl _____________________________ a book. (to read)
= A menina vai ler um livro.

c) They________________________________ to music. (to listen)
= Eles vão ouvir música.

2. Transforme as frases abaixo em interrogativa e negativa.
a) She is going to see a doctor. = Ela vai ver um médico.
Interrogative: ___________________________________________________________________________ Negative: ______________________________________________________________________________

b) The boys are going to watch a game. = Os rapazes vão assistir a um jogo.
Negative: _______________________________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MrDavid22



a) I am going to wash my hands.

b) The girl is going to read a book.

c) They are going to listen to music.



Interrogative: Is she going to see a doctor?

Negative: She isn't going to see a doctor.


Interrogative: Are the boys going to watch a game?

Negative: The boys aren't going to watch a game.


No future with going to nós utilizamos as seguintes estruturas:

  • Afirmativa (Affirmative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + going to + infinitivo do verbo
  • Interrogativa (Interrrogative Form): verbo to be + sujeito + going to + infinitivo do verbo
  • Negativa (Negative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + not + going to + infinitivo do verbo
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