Lesson 139 teens 6 wizard

Soluções para a tarefa
5- assignment 6- observatory 7- examination
1) demanded 2) last 3) apply 4) hand in
5) lasted 6) demand 7) apply 8) applied
Primeira Questão
1- Hand you application at the front desk
2- I live in the college dorms
3- Now that you have graduated from high school you can go to college
4- he is very educated and would be a great help
5- Your assignment needs to be handed in on monday
6- The English class is mandatory in order to graduate
7- The final examination is worth 60% of your grade
Segunda Questão
1- The demanded to see their daughter
2- He was the last person to leave the party
3- Will you please apply some sunscreen on my cak form me
4- Make sure you hand in your appointment
5 -The movie lasted more than two hours
6 -I demand to know what you did to my journal
7- You should apply for this job; it is perfect for you
8- I have apllied to 3different universities
veja mais em: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/8084910