Inglês, perguntado por lucas10smith, 10 meses atrás

Leia o texto

Yesterday I _______ with my family. We _____ at the

mal and I saw na amazing dress. It ________a long red

dress, super elgant then we ________ at the shoes stort

and I saw a wonderful pair of shoes. They _____ perfects

with the dress. The shoes ____ grey and hight. I’m ready!

36. Assinale a alternativa que indica o passado do verbo to

be para completar o texto acima.

A. do, does, do, does, do, does

B. was, were, was, were, were,

C. am, is, are, am, is are

D. can, could, should, must, may, might

E. will, would, shall, shall, will, woul​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por haiuycon


letra B


was, were, was , were , were :

estive , estavamos, foi...

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