Inglês, perguntado por Rayssa11096, 11 meses atrás

Leia o texto:

Sophia is an intelligent teenager. She is 17 years old. Her dream is to be a lawyer. Her favorite subject at school is English, but she likes Portuguese, History, Geography and Science too. In her opinion, Mathematics is the hardest subject at school.
Sophia has 2 sisters, Emma and Carla, Emma is 19 years old, she loves music, her dream is to be a singer. Carla is thirteen years old, she hasn't decided yet what she wants to be. Marcus, Sophia’s father, is a mechanic, he is 43 years old and his dream is to have his own garage, for this he is working hard and taking courses to learn how to run a business.
Para responder às questões abaixo, apenas, complete os espaços em branco com o “POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE” adequado.
Qual é o sonho de Sofia? R: ________________ dream is to be a lawyer.
Qual é o sonho de Marcus? R: ________________ dream is to have _________ own garage.

1. Marque a única alternativa correta. Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Her - His - His
b) His - Her - Her
c) Our - His - Her
d) His - Her - Her

Observe a pessoa do discurso (termo que está em destaque) em cada frase
abaixo, complete o espaço com o “POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE” adequado.

1. Carla has a bicycle. _______________ bicycle is brand-new.

2. Marcus and Lucy have a car. _____________ car is very old.

3. Bob travels to Europe with______________ parents every year. 4. The dog is inside ____________ small house

Marque a única alternativa correta.
Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) His – Our – Their – Its
b) Her – Their – His – Its
c) Her – Their – Our – His d) Her – Our – His – Its

Observe o “PERSONAL PRONOUN” nos parênteses em cada frase abaixo. Preencha
o espaço com o “POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE” correto.

1. _________________car is broken. ( I )

2. _________________ glass is completely empty. ( HE )

3. I like _______________sister. (SHE)

4. This is _______________ new car. (WE)

3. Marque a única alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços nas frases acima.
Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) My – his – her – our
b) Their – his – her – my
c) His – his – her – your
d) My – his – her – their

4. De acordo com o texto, marque a única alternativa correta. Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Carla is older than Sophia.
b) Sophia is older than Emma.
c) Emma is the youngest in the family.
d) Carla is younger than Emma.
De acordo com o texto, marque a única alternativa correta.
Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Sophia thinks that English is more difficult than Mathematics.

b) Sophia thinks that Mathematics is easier than Portuguese.

c) Sophia thinks that Mathematics is the most difficult subject at school.

d) Sophia thinks that English is the most difficult subject at school.

Leia o texto para responder as questões abaixo:

Hi, My name is Violet Parr, I’m 14 years old and I live in the centre of New York. Let me introduce you to my family, I’ll start talking about my youngest brother Jack . He’s only 1 years old, weights only 13 kilos and his main power is shape shifting, it means he can change into different forms. Then, I’ll continue talking about my younger brother Dash. He is 10 years old but he can run faster than anyone in the family but I’m stronger than him. He also has special powers like me. We can become invisible and we have elastic arms but mum says that we can’t use our powers unless we are in danger . To finish, I’ll talk about my parents, they are Helen and Bob Parr. My mum is 37 years old and she is the most intelligent in the family my dad is 39 and can lift very heavy things so he’s the strongest. We are a very special family as you can see. Now, tell me about yours, I’m sure that you have a very special family too.

6. Who is the youngest in the family? Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Violet Parr
b) Dash
c) Bob Parr
d) Jack

7. Who is the oldest? Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Violet Parr
b) Dash
c) Bob Parr
d) Jack

8.Who is the most intelligent?
Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) Hellen
b) Jack
c) Dash
d) Violet Parr

Escreva T (true) para as frases verdadeiras e F (false) para as falsas de acordo com o texto e marque a sequência correta a seguir:

( ) Helen is two years younger than Bob.
( )Jack is four years younger than Violet. ( )Violet is the fastest in the family.

Marcar apenas uma oval.

Marque a alternativa que possui a frase interrogativa com a estrutura CORRETA:
Marcar apenas uma oval.

a) You will study tomorrow? b) Will you read this book? c) Do you will go to school? d) Watch a movie you will?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anafeijos


Não sei se ajuda mais a unica que eu não fiquei com duvida e tenho certeza de responder é a 1 kkvsdk ( aprendi esse conteudo faz um tempo e acabei não relembrando e talz )

1- A)  HER - HIS - HIS

Mesmo so uma espero que te ajude. Bons estudos.

Rayssa11096: Muito obrigada
anafeijos: De nada e desculpa novamente por responder so uma
Rayssa11096: Não que isso,muito obrigada ajudou bastante
Respondido por mayarinhadearaujo221













Rayssa11096: Obrigada
mayarinhadearaujo221: dnd
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