Inglês, perguntado por fegamer42, 3 meses atrás

Leia o texto seguinte:
Summer Vacation
Last Summer, Beth went to the beach with her family. They visited Cancun, in
Mexico. Beth loved the week she spent there. In the mornings, she stayed at
the swimming pool and had lunch at the hotel restaurant. In the afternoons, she

swam on the beach and drank some maragaritas. At night, Beth slept early to
recover for the next Day.

1) Retire do texto as palavras cognatas.
2) Identifique os verbos regulares na forma afirmativa no Simple Past.
3) Identifique os verbos irregulares no Simple Past inseridos no texto.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por analuizamoreschi2


1) beach, summer, she, family, went

2) visited, loved, stayed,

3) went, spent, had, swam, drank, slept

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