Inglês, perguntado por brunacarla12326, 4 meses atrás

Leia o texto para responder as questões abaixo.
Fake News
Alghough it seems recent, the term fake news, “notícia falsa” in Portuguese, is more ancient than it appears. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, this expression has been used since the late 19th century. The term is in English, but it has become popular all over the world to name false information that is published mainly on social networks. Fake news is the most dangerous form of opinion manipulation used today.

1) *The term fake news is more ancient than it appears*. A sentença retirada do texto apresenta:
comparativo de igualdade
comparativo de superioridade de adjetivos curtos
comparativo de superioridade de adjetivos longos
2) According to the text the term *Fake News* is:
True information published in magazines.
Untrue information posted on the internet.
Right information published on social networks.
3) Complete the sentence with Present Perfect. *It___ popular all over the world*.
have became
has became
has become
4) Fake news is *the most dangerous* form of opinion manipulation used today. O termo em destaque refere-se ao:
comparativo de superioridade
comparativo de igualdade
5) * ___19th century people had already used fake news*. Assinalde a preposição correta para completer a sentença.
6) Mr. Goldman ___ nearly a million pounds to the charity this year. Assinale a opção correta quanto ao presente perfeito.
have given
has given
have give
7) I did 15 lengths of the pool today. I ___ that far since I was at school.
has not swim
haven’t swum
have not swam
8) If you ___ her some love, she ___ love you back.
give / will
will / give
gave / can
9) *Juliet is cooking and talking with a friend on the cellphone*. Assinale a alternativa correta na forma interrogativa do Presente Contínuo.
Juliet is cooking and talking with a friend on the cellphone?
Does Juliet is cooking and talking with a friend on the cellphone?
Is Juliet cooking and talking with a friend on the cellphone?
10) Dadas as sentenças abaixo assinale a opção correta quanto ao uso do Imperativo. I - Study this lessonII - Don´t kiss meIII - I don’t have MoneyIV _ Let’s watch this film, please!
As alternativas I e III estão corretas.
As alternativas II, III e IV estão corretas.
As alternativas I, II e IV estão corretas​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pietrogoncalves


1,2 e 4 estão certas


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