Inglês, perguntado por soledbyenzo, 5 meses atrás

Leia o texto: My family
Hello, how are you? I would like to introduce my family to you. My name is Levi, I am 8 years old and I live with my father, mother and my 3 year old brother. My mother is pregnant and will have a baby, her name will be Marina. I love to play with my soccer cousins. At my grandmother's house, I play video games. My best friend is Allen.

1. The narrator is presented: *

a) your home.
b) your family.
c) your friends.
d) your toys.

2. Who tells your story is: *

a) the Marina.
b) Levi.
c) Allen.
d) the mother.

3. According to the text, Marina is: *

a) a baby.
b) his brother.
c) your grandmother.
d) your mother.

4. Qual é a pergunta correta? “I´m from Cascavel: *

a) Where’s your country?
b) Where are you from?
c) Where are you?
d) Where’s it?

5. Assinale corretamente: They _____ from Austria. *
a) are
b) am
c) is
d) do

Leia o pequeno texto e assinale as opções 6 e 7 : My father called a plumber to fix the bathroom in our apartment. Finally I can now go to the bathroom very happy.

6. O texto fala sobre *

a) a cozinha da casa.
b) a cozinha do apartamento.
c) o banheiro da casa.
d) o banheiro do apartamento.

7. Qual a pergunta correta para esta resposta: I´m a scientist. *

a) “Where are you from?”
b) “What’s your job?”
c) “What’s your name?”
d) “How old are you?”

JK Rowling is a British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies.

8. The text is about... *

a) a doctor
b) a singer
c) an actress.
d) a writer.

9. Quantas cópias do livro foram vendidas aproximadamente? *

a) 200 million
b) more 400 million
c) 90 million

10. qual a resposta correta para esta pergunta: What time is it? *

a) I´m a doctor
b) It´s nine o´clock
c) It´s my dog.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandapontarollo98




Oi como vai? Eu gostaria de apresentar minha família a você. Meu nome é Levi, tenho 8 anos e moro com meu pai, minha mãe e meu irmão de 3 anos. Minha mãe está grávida e

Respondido por ycomunellobaretta



Hello, how are you? I would like to introduce my family to you. My name is Levi, I am 8 years old and I live with my father, mother and my 3 year old brother. My mother is pregnant and will have a baby, her name will be Marina. I love to play with my soccer cousins. At my grandmother's house, I play video games. My best friend is Allen.

1. The narrator is presented: *

b) your family. -> Resposta correta

2. Who tells your story is: *

b) Levi. -> Resposta correta

3. According to the text, Marina is: *

a) a baby. -> Resposta correta

4. Qual é a pergunta correta? “I´m from Cascavel: *

b) Where are you from? -> Resposta correta

5. Assinale corretamente: They _____ from Austria. *

a) are -> Resposta correta

Leia o pequeno texto e assinale as opções 6 e 7 : My father called a plumber to fix the bathroom in our apartment. Finally I can now go to the bathroom very happy.

6. O texto fala sobre *

d) o banheiro do apartamento. -> Resposta correta

7. Qual a pergunta correta para esta resposta: I´m a scientist. *

b) “What’s your job?” -> Resposta correta

JK Rowling is a British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. The Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies.

8. The text is about... *

d) a writer. -> Resposta correta

9. Quantas cópias do livro foram vendidas aproximadamente? *

b) more 400 million -> Reposta correta

10. qual a resposta correta para esta pergunta: What time is it? *

b) It´s nine o´clock -> Resposta correta


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