Inglês, perguntado por johnamil, 5 meses atrás

Leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo:
Janet:Fred come here! I want to introduce you to my parents.
Fred: Oh,it’s a pleasure for me to meet your parents.
Janet:Fred,this is my father,Ronny
Fred:Nice to meet you,Ronny!
Ronny:Nice to meetyou,too,Fred!
How are you?
Fred: I amfine,thanks,and you?
Ronny:I am fine,too.
Janet:Fred,that woman in the garden is my mymother,Sara.
Fred:Hello,Sara!How are you?
a)Who wants to introduce a friend:
( )Sara ( )Ronny ( )Janet
b)Janet introduces a friend:
( )to her sister ( )to her parents ( )to her brother
c)Ronny is:
( )Janet’s husband ( )Janet’s son ( )Janet’s father
d)sara is:
( )Janet’s sister ( )Janet’s friend ( )Janet’s mother
e)Sara is
( )in the garden ( )in the park ( )in the house
f)When Fred meets Ronny he says:
( )Hi! ( )Hello! ( )Nice to meet you!
g)Howis Sara?________________________________________________

1)Formule perguntas em inglês de acordo com as respostas,usando as wh –words(palavras interogativas)
I am fifteen years old.
I am a doctor.
My name is Paul.
My book is on the table.
2)Complete com as palavras interrogativas adequadas:
a)________________is your name?
b)_______________are you book?
c)_________________are you?
d)________________is a filling?
e)_______________is working?
f)_______________is your father?
3) Marque a alternative correta e complete o espaço em branco:
a)I ________________ an apple.
( ) am eating ( ) eating ( ) ate
b)He______________________a newspaper.
( )is read ( )is reading ( )is not read

( )is studying ( )are study ( )are studying
( )is help ( )is helping ( )is not help
4) Passe para o presente contínuos:
a)I read a magazine.
b)She go to school.
c)You study English.
d)I paint well.
e)He dances very well.
f)We play football.
5)Marque a alternativa correta de acordo com o uso do presente simples:
a)You_____________to hurry up.
( )having ( )has ( )have
b)The bus_____________.
( )coming ( )come ( )came
C)Jane always___________Maths at this hour,but today she_____________tennis.
( )Studying -play ( )study-playing ( ) study-play
( )drinks ( )drink ( )drinking

6) Marque a alternativa correta:
a)______________a yellow car.
( )there is ( )there are
b)______________roses in the vase.
( )there is ( )there are
c)_______________four girls playing.
( )there is ( )there are
d)_______________many birds.
( )there is ( )there are

7) Escreva as frases no passado:
a)There is a boy in the car.
b)There is a blue car in the street.
c)There are a bird on the wire.
d)There are a girl in the street.

a)_________________a boy in the house
b)_________________a black pencil
c)_________________birds on the wire
d)________________a rose in the garden
e)_______________three cats in the tree

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nickiminaj1

a) Janet

b) to her parents

c) Janet's father

d) Janet's mother

e) in the garden

f) nice to meet you

g) Sara is fine

1-a) what's your age?

b) what do you work with?

c) what's you name?

d) where is the book?

2-a) what

b) where

c) where

d) what

e) what

f) what

3-a) am eating

b) is reading

c) are studying

d) is helping

4-a) I am reading a magazine

b) she is going to school

c) I am painting well

d) he is dancing very well

e) we are playing football

5-a) have

b) come

c) study-play

d) drink

6-a) there is

b) there are

c) there are

d) there is

7-a) there was a boy in the car

b) there was a blue car in the street

c) there was a bird on the wire

d) there was a girl in the street

8-a) there was

b) there was

c) there were

d) there was

e) there were

*marca como melhor resposta ae e dá 5 estrelas*

flw, espero ter ajudado :)

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