Inglês, perguntado por euesteffany14, 11 meses atrás

Leia o texto e liste os pronome encontrado. My/I name is Alan, I/my am from Glasgow, Scotland. I/Me live with my/me parents, Alex and Lucy. Them/They take my/me to school in their/they car because I/me don’t have a bike. My/She friend Susy goes to school by bike. It is her/hers and her/she loves it.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriasilvabt288


My name is Alan.

I am from Glasgow, Scotland.

I live with my parents, Alex and Lucy.

They take me to school in their car because I don't have a bike.

My friend Susy goes to school by bike. It is her and she loves it.


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