Inglês, perguntado por carolinegah83, 8 meses atrás

Leia o texto e faca um resumo das ideias principais A:man i would love to get out the city B:Oh ,me too.Do you ever go's such a goo escape fron everyday life B:absolutely!l love campingand cooking over an open fire. A:Me too! l love sleeping outside and hearing all the nature sound B:Oh yes but you have to watch out for bears! A:l know,but if you make sure you don't leave foof out, it's okay. B: Do you know og any good campsites? A: Yes!there is a perfect place a few hours from here in the mountains. B:Cool!You'll have to tell me how to get there! A: Sure.You have to drive a few hours north and then hike for about 45 minutes B Sounds amazing thanks!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por daniel1508vieira


Os dois homens estão decidindo oque fazer e eles decidem acampar


É só traduzir o texto (por favor não no google) depois que você traduzir fica bem facil saber a ideia principal

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