Leia o texto e destaque a alternativa que
apresenta um false cognate.
[...] Carnahan, an assistant professor of communications at Michigan State University’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences,
shares his thoughts on what could happen if President Trump
continues his controversial Twitter dialogue and how
misinformation could impact the 2020 election.
a) professor
b) state
c) college
d) dialogue
e) election
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Falso cognato
[...] Carnahan, an assistant professor of communications at Michigan State University’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences, shares his thoughts on what could happen if President Trump continues his controversial Twitter dialogue and how misinformation could impact the 2020 election.
a) professor
b) state
c) college √ >> faculdade
d) dialogue
e) election
⇒⇒ Falso cognato >>> são palavras, em inglês, que são escritas quase da mesma forma que em português, mas que têm a tradução completamente diferente.
parece significa
Lunch lanche almoço
Costume costume fantasia
Mayor maior prefeito
Parents parentes pais >> pai e mãe
Relatives relativos parentes (tios, primos, avós, etc.)
Fabric fábrica tecido
Pretend pretender fingir
Intend entender pretender
College colégio faculdade
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