Inglês, perguntado por lucasfelipe67, 7 meses atrás

Leia o texto abaixo e responda em inglês as questões a seguir: a) Qual a ideia principal do texto? b) Quais os tipos de comida que os elefantes mais comem? "What do elephants eat? The broad answer to your question about what do elephants eat is that elephants are strictly herbivores. This means that they eat only plants and vegetation [...]. Exactly what kind of vegetation they eat depends a lot on the habitat in which they live and what plants are available to put into their growling stomachs. In the wild, African elephants eat mostly leaves and roots with a supplementary snack diet of fruit and grasses. […] Asian elephants eat many of the same things as African elephants. Because of the environment in which they live, the scales of their diet are tipped more toward grasses and shrubs and less toward leaves."

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lauragomesfer


a) the text talks about elephants and their feeding

b) they eat only plants and vegetation

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