Inglês, perguntado por PedrinhoSperoni, 5 meses atrás

Leia o texto abaixo e complete as lacunas do mesmo com as palavras do quadro.
up - half – cheese – open - don’t – gyms – armchair – packet – eating – stop – can –

normality – glass -photo

Almost 1.________________ of my fellow Britons (47%) say they have put
on weight during the coronavirus quarantine. It’s kind of obvious why – we
are 2.______________ more because we are bored. Furthermore, we have
less opportunity for exercise. When you are bored, and the fridge or the
biscuit tin are just one room away, it is very easy to just 3.____________
that door or that tin lid. Then you tell yourself: a tiny slice of cake or one
little bar of chocolate won’t hurt. But it all adds 4. ________ ! On top of all
this temptation, the opportunities for exercise are very limited.
5._______________ are closed and team sports are banned. So, you find
yourself on the sofa or in your 6.________________, with your laptop on your knee, the TV on.
And you think to yourself: a 7.________________ of crisps would be nice. Then you think: one
packet is so small! I will have one more packet and I will 8.___________________ after that.
Ten minutes later, a family member is in the kitchen, making cheese on toast. It smells nice! ‘Just
do me a slice, luv,’ you shout. You feel guilty, but oh, just one slice of 9.__________________ on
toast won’t harm. Then of course, you are getting into cooking and baking! Savouries like samosas,
exotic curries, home-made pizza and sweets like banana loaf and chocolate cake, all beautifully
decorated. First you 10._________________ it for your social media pages and then you sample
it. Then you sample a bigger piece. And so it goes on. You are bored – you eat. Stressed? You eat.
No routine, nothing to do? Eat something. So, what 11.________________ you do? You know all
about healthy eating and exercise, 12.________________ you? So you can get onto a healthy
eating regime. Or, like me, you can hold your fire and be kind to yourself. Coronavirus will pass and
you can get back to 13.________________ at that point. So, at about 7 o’clock in the evening,
when another family member gets himself a cold beer, I shout: ‘Just pour me a
14._________________ of wine, luv, please!’ Well, just one, that’s not too bad, is it?

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