Leia as sentenças a seguir e diga se elas expressam uma obrigação ou uma dedução.
a) She must talk to her parentes before she decides what to do.
b) You haven't eaten all day. You must be very hungry
c) She musn't talk to me like that, I'm her father.
d) You definitely must stop smoking and drinking.
e) You must be here at eight o clock tomorrow.
f) She must be sick. Last time I saw her she wasn't felling very well.
g) Don t worry about that noise. It must be the dog.
h) You musn t open this until Christmas Day, ok?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) obrigação
b) dedução
c) obrigação
d) obrigação
e) obrigação
f) dedução
g) dedução
h) obrigação
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