leia as pistas e descubra as respostas
1)it always tastes good.It usually melts if you wait long to have it.It is often cheap,but it can sometimes be expensive.It is always very cold.My favorite is lemon,but there are usually lots of flavors.what is it?
2)its always made of wood.We often have it black , but there are usually many colors.It usually goes to school with you . I never forget to sharpen mine . It is always long when you start using it,but then it gets short.You can sometimes borrow one from your friends if you forget yours.What is it?
3)it usually has different colors and pictures on it .Girls sometimes have one,but the boys always have it. You can often see many of them on the beach at clubs or in parks.Some schools never let the students wear them.It sometimes has the logo of a soccer team on it .What is it?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. icecream - sorvete
2. pencil - lápis
3. cap - boné
1. it melts - derrete
very cold - muito gelado
2. made of wood - feito de madeira
goes to school with you - vai para a escola com você
sharpen mine - apontar os meus
long - comprido
gets short - diminui
3. on the beach or parks - na praia ou nos parques
logo of a soccer team on it - tem o logo de um time
some schools never let the students wear them - algumas escolas não permitem que os alunos usem
muito obg vc me ajudou muito!
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