Inglês, perguntado por brennomalchercastelo, 1 ano atrás

Leia as frases abaixo e marque a
única alternativa na qual todas das orações estão
na forma negativa do verb To Be.
You're my best friend
She's my English teacher
He's a doctor
You are not at school!
He isn't at the park
I am here
You're smart
He is tall
she is a nice girl
We arent' at the movie
They're aren't at school
She isn't at work
Are you studying?
She is not your friend!
It is not good!
Are they best friends?
You are my sister!
Is she your mother?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por louisewheeler


A seguir, as frases que estão na forma negativa:

You are not at school!

He isn't at the park

We arent' at the movie

They're aren't at school

She isn't at work

She is not your friend!

It is not good!

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