Leia as frases abaixo e assinale no campo entre parênteses se são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F): ( ) There isn’t some milk in the fridge. Who will go to the market? ( ) Sally has called you many times. ( ) All you have to do is make a plan for next vacation. ( ) Either swimming and jogging are very good for the health. ( ) He said he doesn’t have any money in the bank. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta:
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There isn’t some milk in the fridge. F
Who will go to the market? V
Sally has called you many times. V
All you have to do is make a plan for next vacation. F
Either swimming and jogging are very good for the health. V
He said he doesn’t have any money in the bank. V
Who will go to the market? V
Sally has called you many times. V
All you have to do is make a plan for next vacation. F
Either swimming and jogging are very good for the health. V
He said he doesn’t have any money in the bank. V
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