Inglês, perguntado por camilofelipe711, 4 meses atrás

Leia as expressões a seguir e escolha o melhor correspondente, tanto em Língua Inglesa, quanto em Língua Portuguesa.
Escolha a expressão idiomática equivalente para cada Idioms
01. Não fique de enrolação
(A) Don't stay enrolation.
(B) Don't beat around the brush.
(C) Go for what matters.
02. Isso é facinho de fazer.
(A) It's a piece of cake.
(B) It's easy to handle it.
(C) This is little easy for doing.
03. Qual é a fofoca do momento?
(A) What's the moment's gossip?
(B) What's the hot potato?
(C) What's going on?
04. Não faço a menor ideia.
(A) I don't make the minor idea.
(B) Don't know nothing about this idea.
(C) I have no clue about it.
05. Ei, relaxa!
(A) Hey, easy up.
(B) Hey, relax.
(C)Hey, calm down.
06. John está doente.
(A) John is under the weather.
(B) John is kicking the boot.
(C) John is over the bed.
07. Kevin ouvirá isso só no dia de são nunca.
(A) Kevin will listen to that just on Saint Never's day.
(B) Kevin will listen to that just when the strawberry gets yellow.
(C) Kevin will listen to that just when the pigs fly.
08. A oficina não arrumou o carro, fez uma gambiarra.
(A) The mechanical didn't fix the car, it cut corners.
(B) The mechanical didn't fix the car, did an ill-done job.
(C) The mechanical didn't fix the car, did an embromation.
09. Antes tarde do que nunca.
(A) Better later than never.
(B) Before late than ever.
(C) Late is better than ever.
10. Cara, tenho que dormir.
(A) Man, sleeping is taking me over.
(B) Man, I gotta sleep.
(C) Man, I gotta hit the sack.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lodgerenan


1) Go for what matters

2) It's a piece of cake

3) What's is going on

4) I have no clue about it

5) Hey, Calm down

6) John is under the whether

7) Kevin will listen that just when the pigs fly

8) The mechanical didn't fix the car, did an ill-done job

9) better later than never

10) Man, I gotta sleep

camilofelipe711: obrigado!
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