Inglês, perguntado por brunomartins32032, 5 meses atrás

Leia a apostila sobre “Simple Past – Regular e Irregular Verbs” e,

após, individualmente, realize as seguintes atividades:

1 – Write the sentences in the negative form (Regular Verbs):

a. Carlos Drummond de Andrade_______________________ in São

Paulo, he lived in Rio. (live)

b. Snow White___________________to a castle, she moved to the

seven dwarf’s house. (move)

c. Guimarães Rosa_______________________a new style of poetry, he

created a new style of prose. (create)

d. Before the 1980’s writers_____________________computers, they

used typewriters. (use)

e. Monteiro Lobato_____________________city life, he enjoyed farm

life. (enjoy)

f. I__________________________grammar last night, I studied

literature. (study)

g. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry___________________Ivanhoe, he wrote

The Little Prince. (write)

2. Complete the sentences with the past of the verbs in parentheses. (Irregular


a. The other day, our teacher_____________ (begin) her math class telling

us a story.

b. She_______________ (tell) us this story about a man called Beremiz.

c. He_____________ (is) a traveler who____________ (know) a lot about

math, and he_____________ (have) a special talent for solving

mathematical problems.d. The teacher also___________ (said) that he had a friend, Hanak, who

always traveled with him.

e. One day they_____________ (go) to the market.

f. And they saw three brothers who______________ (are) angry at each

other because they had to divide 35 camels among them. Each one of the

brothers______________ (think) he had a better solution…

(Adapted from The Man who Counted, by Malba Tahan)

3. Write the correct verb in the negative form as in the example.

a. I had time to solve the equation, but I didn’t have time to review the

answers. (have)

b. I went to the library today, but I_____________________there yesterday.


c. I drew a cub, but I___________________a sphere. (draw)

d. Marcie took her calculator to scholl, but she________________her

compasses. (take)

e. We thought you liked trigonometry, but we___________________you liked

algebra too. (like)

f. The students did a project on statistics, but they________________one

about probabilities. (do)

g. I was ready to use a scientific calculator, but I_____________________

ready to use a financial one. (be)

4. Write sentences in the interrogative form following the example.

Example: You wrote a letter yesterday: Did you write a letter yesterday?

1. She watched that new reality show last night:

2. You enjoyed the show:

3. The movie ended well:

4. They studied hard for the finals:​

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