Inglês, perguntado por ingridagathaa64, 1 ano atrás

Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas is a lagoon and a district in Rio that is
bordered by other districts such as Ipanema, Leblon, Gávea,
Jardim Botânico, Copacabana, Botafogo, and Humaitá. The city,
attracts a lot of tourists during the Christmas season when a
special Christmas tree which is erected on a ftoating platform
moves about in the lagoon. The lagoon offers various tourists
entertainment like night clubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, and
mainly it is the headquarters of the soccer team Flamengo.​

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Respondido por tainah81


não dá pra entender Oque vc quer q a gnt responda

coloca o comando da questão

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