Kate’s parents and friends can always ___________ her.
( ) telephone
( ) hide
Her mobile phone is also a kind of _________________ .
( ) doll
( ) information
On the cycling holiday after the accident Kate phoned for __________.
( ) help
( ) her mother
Mobile phones often ___________ at the wrong moment.
( ) talk
( ) rings
Children can feel ________________ when they have their mobile phones with them.
( ) safe
( )worry
Soluções para a tarefa
(x) telephone
( ) hide
Her mobile phone is also a kind of _________________ .
( ) doll
(x) information
On the cycling holiday after the accident Kate phoned for __________.
(x) help
( ) her mother
Mobile phones often ___________ at the wrong moment.
( ) talk
(x) rings
Children can feel ________________ when they have their mobile phones with them.
(x) safe
( )worry
1. Kate’s parents and friends can always telephone her. (Os pais da Kate sempre podem telefoná-la)
2. Her mobile phone is also a kind of information. (O telefone celular dela também é um tipo de informação)
3. On the cycling holiday after the accident Kate phoned for help. (No feriado após o acidente, Kate telefonou pedindo ajuda)
4. Mobile phones often rings at the wrong moment. (Telefones celulares sempre tocam no momento errado)
5. Children can feel safe when they have their mobile phones with them. (Crianças podem se sentir seguras quando têm seus telefones celulares com elas)
- Presente Simples
É um tempo verbal utilizado para expressar ações que ocorrem no presente, dar opiniões sobre algo, falar sobre alguém, desejos.
O Presente Simples tem a seguinte formação:
Forma afirmativa: Sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
Forma negativa: Sujeito + don't/doesn't + verbo + complemento
Ex1.: na frase "Kate’s parents and friends can always telephone her." O que estava faltando era o verbo, indicando o tempo presente. O mesmo ocorre nas frases 3 e 4.
Ex2.: na frase "Her mobile phone is also a kind of information." O que estava faltando era o complemento "information", pois o verbo já estava na frase "is". O mesmo ocorre na frase 5.
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