Inglês, perguntado por raine66egirl, 7 meses atrás

Jim is married and has two kids. He's worried that he's not
making enough money right now to support his family. He's
trying to save money for the future in case he loses his job
Darryl is single. He worries a little about his job, but he doesn't have the same kind of
responsibilities that Jim has. On the weekends, Darryl likes to play golf and go out with
his friends.


1- Answer the questions in Portuguese. (Responda as questões em português)
a) Para qual tipo de companhia Jim and Darryl trabalha?
b) O que eles fazem?
c) Quantos filhos Jim tem?
d) O que Darryl gosta de fazer nos finais de semana?
2 - Complete the sentences (Complete as sentenças)
a) He worries a little about his ________, but he doesn't have the ________ kind of
________________that Jim has.
b) Jim is ____________and has _______kids.
c) Their day___________ at 9:30 in the_____________ and it ends at six or
__________in the evening.
Together – juntos
Coworkers – colegas de trabalho
Furniture – móveis
Begin – começar
Business - negócios


neiselevieira: se ninguem te ajudar eu estou aqui

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rutraadriely100

Resposta: Eu não sei a letra a e a b e 2 mais eu sei o testo .

C) Dois filhos .

D)Gosta de jogar golfe e sair com os amigos dele

Explicação:espero ter ajudado

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